Sunday, 15 June 2014

Life changes, for the better...

so I've been wanting to write this blog post a while now. There has been some major changes in my game development path the past few months, which now I think is a good time to share.

As you have noticed probably, there has been no public updates on my main baby, the survival crafting game called Meemo's Planet. This is because in January 2014 I decided it is time to get serious and start a business...and since I have a passion for games development it was the obvious choice for a niche online business. I have always wanted to start an online business (and tried a few times over the years), which is far reaching internationally.

So my wife and I started, and sort of head over heals jumped into the concept of yet another game assets store. Full steam ahead. I thought it will be a good idea, since that is exactly what I wanted: to buy game assets for my projects and help indie programmers get to the resources they don't have time to focus on. I had all the good ideas of simplifying the licenses and focusing on gaming niche instead of the convoluted Envato market places, etc. As we did more research and started talking to industry leaders in game development we realised, there are loads of these site. As well as many game engine communities already have this, like the Unity stores. So finally we decided to contact the CEO of YoYoGames, to pitch to them and get their blessings for a niche game assets store just for the Game Maker Studio community (or GMC) which is still non-existent.

Sandy Duncan, was very polite and promptly responded on 18 February with this comment:
Hi Morne,

We have an asset store that is ready to launch :(  It needs Studio 1.3 which is due to be final before the end of next month.

Sandy Duncan
CEO, YoYo Games Ltd
So clearly, good idea, but bad timing on my part as well as I realised you should not try to build your business on someone else community. Even if in the past they showed great support for their fans starting side business, tutorials and script sites and the like. So yeah I really look forward to this new assets site from YoYogames, but I had to cut my losses of a few thousands dollars of investment in web tech after it was developed 50%. Let this be another lesson in schooling fees. (Hmm, I have to wonder if the new Game Assets Market launched this past month is the one he was talking of ? Since I never saw an announcement after Sandy's reply, or another reply.)

Here is where it all changed for the better. My wife joined another already successful start up company and I decided to see if my programming skills in GMS are sell-able. 

Within the first month I did a successful project for a client and the work just kept coming, and by current date I've done 4 paid contracts of which one was a fully fledged drawing app with fancy glow and particle effects. Now finally I had validation and decided I love the idea of GameLancer and so created the name and company and started recruiting for an artist. 2 months ago Chris a very talented all rounder joined my company and has helped out loads to double my output! We have moved offices from hot seats to a dedicated lockable space and now have a company name on the door. We also did some of the work via oDesk, which is great since our profile now has proof of us being able to deliver on work. As well as purchased a 10inch Android tablet for development testing.

This however still is only minimum cash flow for the company and our dream is as we grow from victory to victory to carve out more time for our own projects, and build a portfolio of our own games on app stores and in publishers hands. To generate a passive income online!

Currently we are working full steam 8 - 10 hour days to setup the company and brand, while we improve our GMS code base and game engines. It has been an exciting time, and I've learned to publish Android games with in app purchases (which I think is the way to go to monetize and benefit your customers the best) and in game advertising (which we probably won't put in our own games, but give to clients as a sought after solution). Our focus will be on small to medium sized games and 'gamified' apps...

Chris, my first employee ever, has also done a great job! this past week to strip and update our new company website:

Even though I really miss working on my main portfolio game, Meemo's Planet, which also still brings in the most of my current GMC based contracts; I'm really excited to tell you we have been working on a portfolio game for the Android tablet market. I just love Google Play and Android and my research shows a huge growth spurt here compared to iOS and the iTunes store. (Just wish their wallet will be supported in more countries!!! GOOGLE wake up!!) Just check for yourself in google trends!

Our game will be very similar to the original GTA style, but more basic and focused on racing and taking out your opponents before the race ends! It is going to be mayhem! It will be a free game, and as we work on it we will add in IAP to introduce more content and get some cash flow support from fans. Who needs kickstarter in any case, you want to know the people can pull it off before you invest in strangers, right!

It has been a humbling, but blessed journey the past  3 months and I'm really pleased with what we have accomplished so far! I plan to build the GameLancer brand from victory to victory and help other game lancers to make a living online in future and become a major player eventually. For now we will stay humble and take it one project and game at a time!

Thank you for your time reading this, and feel free to share it.

PS: I will probably keep this as a personal blog, and support the GameLancer brand. But GameLancer will be the official owner and brand of our future game projects and developments.

Also on another exciting note, my custom built race car was just completed and was started in January 2014! Yes, it will be our company mascot and soon will get GameLancer number plates if I have my way, check out a picture of it here:


  1. Hallo Morne, ek het 'n MOC wat ek wil he jy moet vir my teken asb

    1. Haha sure thing! Kom kry my in die kaap en ek sal, net nie seker of Sasol dit meer sal toelaat nie

  2. Finally YoYoGames have released their market place here at

  3. So I've sold over $200 worth of assets on this marketplace with only 11 assets. Then made it all free after the first year until 2019. Since I'm back at work as an engineering manager this is only a hobby for me now. But excellent to see that when I changed the assets to paid it still sold. So I updated after it was the first new sale. Might just be a fun way to play the game development hobby and reinvest the earnings into more game art assets etc.
