Wednesday, 28 November 2012

What games i will focus on for fy13

So according to trends puzzle games are the most popular and thus I will focus on smaller proven games like this. It is also noted that shooters is 2nd like Invaders and sport games the least popular.

The idea is to take proven small games, with lots of scalability in terms of levels or rooms and in this way offer the player more content or playing hours instead of wasting resources on new content.

But i will also add value by improving the proven puzzle games via unique graphics or playstyle or bonus or achievements...

Saturday, 24 November 2012

HTML5 games here I come...

So is offering a crazy special of only $50 for pro GameMaker Studio plus the HTML5 compile module this month from today!

I just purchased it as well. Whoot!

Now I'm closer to my goal to start making web games for cash in 2013 part time...

Friday, 16 November 2012


As a start to my goals for 2013 to publish a few games (which I make part time) with game maker studio software, I decided to start a blog so the community of Indie Gamers can get to know me and follow my rants.

Actually I already started to chat about it on my facebook page, I still need to decide which blog spot is the best. Until then you can read about me at or also at

At the moment my facebook page has the most posts.

If it is easier to feed post from this blogger account to the others then I will mainly use this.

Until then have a blast playing games!

from warm and rainy South Africa